About Us

Private investment group

Private investment group

+35 years of experience

+35 years of experience

Strategic location

Strategic location

+35 Companies

+35 Companies

Quality of infrastructure and services

Quality of infrastructure and services

+20k collaborators

+20k collaborators

Board Members of:

Members of:

  • Las Americas Free Zone

  • Nearby Hotel

  • 5 and 15 miles from Technical Schools

  • Las Americas Highway

  • Nearby Communities

  • 2 Miles from Las Americas International Airport

  • 7 Miles from Caucedo Seaport


Internal storage capacity for the exclusive use of the park, guaranteeing continuous supply for up to 3 days in case of any interruption.

Electricity 44MW

Electrical substation, with 2 transformers and voltage regulators. 70% of our energy comes from wind and solar sources.

Fiber Optics

Modern telecommunications infrastructure with fiber optics throughout the park.

Parking Facilities

Car and container parking to meet current and future needs.

Our Clients